Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Environmental Trophies for Rhodes University

I was chosen as the winning applicant for my design for Rhodes University's Environmental Trophies. So I got the commission and these were the final products. I had to design a trophy for each of the four categories. I really loved making these; they were great fun, and turned out beautifully too.

Check out these links for articles featuring them:
Grocotts Mail (pg. 3)

Conceptually, my design centered on the bee; how a single bee can make a difference to the hive in protecting the hive or gathering pollen, but in a swarm, where many bees come together, they can become an unstoppable force. Protecting and saving the environment is exactly like that. If we each as individuals do as much as we can individually, together we are unstoppable.
So in each trophy there is a mini swarm of real bees set into the resin. Additionally, in each trophy is the nature that Rhodes is upholding as needing to be protected. For each of the four categories in Rhodes' Environmental Awards I chose a different selection of natural materials, so as to make them part of a family of trophies, yet be distinctly different.

I made these trophies using a silicon mould, and pouring layers of resin into them and setting the natural elements into these thin layers.

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